Monday, April 03, 2006

Ranger fans...are you out there

Any thoughts on the Rangers this year...does anyone know that today is opening day, does anyone care!

Damnit, the "question mark" key on my computer doesn't work, so I will have to use the "%" as a sub, It really doesn't work, sorry!

Anyways, what do you guys think of the rangers and the moves that John Daniels made in the off season%

Where are they destined to finish, first or last%

To me, I must admit, there is something about the makeup of this team that intriques me. I like the fact that we really don't have any bonafide superstars. Sure, we've got some studs and future superstars...but there isn't anybody with a "been there, done that attitude".

We have rid ourselves of selfish players like "Sorryano", which makes the team more likeable....but there are question marks everywhere.

Can Brad Wilkerson be a legit leadoff man after hitting .248 last year%

Can Lance Nix efficiently patrol Center Field and break out of the hitting slump that plaqued him last year%

How bout the pitching staff...are we there yet or will it be more of the same garbage from years gone by%

What are your predictions% Let me hear from ya Rangers fans.