Sunday, December 17, 2006

our first major improvement!

Check this out and let me know what you think. It is live and fully operational. Just register and start posting!

copy/paste that link to your browser, or click HERE

Friday, December 15, 2006

server problems

Sorry for the site being down the past couple of weeks. Our webhosting service had been provided by a friend of mine from A&M at no charge (thanks Jim), but the server was not reliable and would could not handle our occasional surges in bandwidth.

I have switched to a paid hosting service, which should be much more reliable, and may offer some additional features, which will enhance the site. While the site is migrating to the new server, I have put a forwarding feature on the domain, so that you will automatically be directed to the blog server. Once it's all fixed, you will automatically see the entire site when visiting

Thanks for being patient, and don't give up on us.

Gig 'em and Wreck 'em!


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Robert Gates

December 7, 2006

To the Aggie Family:

The United States Senate yesterday voted to confirm me as the 22nd Secretary of Defense. I will be sworn in and take office on December 18th, and will resign as the 22nd President of Texas A&M that same day.

And so it is final. My last official act as President will be to preside at the commencement ceremonies on December 15-16.

You already know that I am leaving this incredible University reluctantly and with a heavy heart. By the same token, Aggies - more than anyone else - understand why I must do so.

Our University is in good hands and on an upward course. All the major initiatives - expanding the faculty, new undergraduate degree programs, greater diversity, more than half a billion dollars in new construction - 90% of it for academic facilities, and unprecedented involvement of faculty, staff and students in decision-making - are on track, taking us to new heights of academic excellence. It is now also evident that our athletic program is on track to reach a new level of national competitiveness.

As the end of my service as President draws near, please know that: for the rest of my life I will always be an Aggie. Wherever I am, whatever I am doing, as long as I live I will bleed Maroon.

A final request to all in the Texas A&M family. Never forget who we are and where we came from. Never forget the Aggie Code of Honor. And never forget the obligations of duty and honor and country.

God bless all of you, God bless Texas A&M, and God bless America.

Gig 'em Aggies.

Until we meet again.

Robert M. Gates
Texas A&M University