Wednesday, November 23, 2005

"Ticket Chicks"

As most of you know, The Ticket has a stable of skanks they parade around at remotes and other promotional events. They are known as the "Ticket Chicks". The funny thing is, for a while, when the Ticket used to have a Hummer emblazoned with their logo that they brought to remotes, the same group of girls were known as the "Hummer Honeys".

In the beginning, the Ticket Chicks were pretty hot. We even had a friend, AJ, who was a Ticket Chick back in '98/'99. In recent years, the quality of the Ticket Chick has diminished.....until now. I don't know where they found Ticket Chick Erin, but I hope she is a sign of a new wave of hot Ticket Chicks. As we all know, these things go in cycles, and it looks like things are on the upswing!

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